Monday, September 8, 2008

September 6, 2008
Do Your Best And Leave The Rest
ODB RADIO: Listen Now DownloadREAD: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-24
He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. —1 Thessalonians 5:24
Have you at some time found yourself under extreme pressure? Have there been episodes in your life when you were so burdened by tasks and responsibilities that there was simply no breathing space to prepare for your service to God?
That was the experience of a pastor by the name of A. J. Gossip. During one hectic week, he didn’t have his customary amount of time to prepare his sermon. As he walked to his pulpit that Sunday morning, he felt guilty about the scanty sermon notes in his hand. It seemed that the Lord was asking him, “Is this the best you could do for Me this week?” And Gossip honestly replied, “Yes, Lord, it is my best.” He told a friend later that Jesus took that ill-prepared piece of work and in His hands “it became a trumpet” to his congregation.
The apostle Paul encouraged the Thessalonians to give their all for God (1 Thess. 5:14-22). They were to exhort, warn, comfort, rejoice, pray, and express their gratitude to God—among other things. We too should always do our best in our Christian life and service. But when pressure-periods come and we just don’t have the time we feel we need, we should do the best we can and then prayerfully trust God’s faithfulness (v.24). — Vernon C. Grounds
Give of your best to the Master,Give Him first place in your heart;Give Him first place in your service,Consecrate every part. —Grose
Be faithful—and leave the results to God.

1 comment:

sabartolome said...

Indeed GOD will to the rest when you've done your best. My decision to study in CLSU really to takes sacrifices and a lot of adjustment. I need to adjust my schedule in my work, my household chores, my circle of friends, my time with my family and even my budget. Each morning I am asking GOD to protect my whole family, for if ever unwanted things happened everything in my schedule will be affected. At first, I hesitated to go back to school,but because of the need in my work I have to, so I took the challenge ahead. This morning when I received my award I whisper a pray'r thanking GOD for what he has done after I deed what I think is my best.
"Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you."- 1 Pet. 5:6