Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Don't build your house on a career. Don't build your house on a thrill. Don't build your house on a talent. Don't build your house on a solitary earthly relationship. Don't prusue things that don't last. Build your house on only one thing that last : FAITH.

Do you have faith? If you have faith. then you have what it takes to tackle your problems before they tackle you. If you have that confident hope, then you will know how to handle whatever lifes brings you
One thing no one can take away from you is your faith. This world can and may take everything you have. But no one can take away your faith. Grab that faith; clutch tightly that anchor of the soul.
Make your faith an independent dogged faith, firmly planted in God's sacrificed Son on the hill of Calvary. It can never be taken away from you.

1 comment:

sabartolome said...

Faith must be practice everyday for we do not know what will happened only God knows. Faith can do beyond expectation, just believe it will happen.